Sunday, January 10, 2010

We have a lot to learn...

Last night we were blessed to be invited to an Ethiopian celebration for families who have adopted children from Ethiopia. It was a last minute invite but Shane and I decided to go for our weekly "date night". I was not sure what to expect except that I was really excited to see all of the beautiful Ethiopian children and sample some authentic Ethiopian food. What a treat we were in for. The food was amazing. I am not really sure what we ate, I was told the names and it was beautiful but I have a lot to learn about the food. I do like and know what injera is(don't know if it is spelled correctly). I told Shane that I could eat that with peanut butter and jelly in Ethiopia when we go to pick up Demot. We were also entertained by the cutest little Ethiopian dancers. They did traditional and not so traditional dances (you will see what I mean in the pictures below). Then two beautiful young women came out to entertain us with authentic Ethiopian dances. All of the children then gathered on the stage to sing Ethiopian songs for us. Most of the parents sang along (I have a lot to learn). There was a clipboard going around for heritage camp this summer, I had no idea that even existed. Needless to say it was a wonderful evening and got me even more excited for Grace Demot to come home. I also felt a great responsibility to learn more, do more and give more to the Ethiopian culture. If I am going to raise a beautiful girl from this beautiful land I get to teach her about her heritage, her culture and her country. So Shane and I have work to do and things to learn, it feels a bit daunting but I know we can do it and I am so excited to move forward.


  1. Sounds like a fun, magical night! I am so excited for you guys. And I am not sure about that food...;)

  2. Oh what a wonderful experience. We do not have a community like that by me and it really is too bad. I don't know where you are thinking of staying when you go but the Yeka makes injera pancakes for breakfast and they are really good with syrup (they make American food too - she makes excellent chicken curry).

  3. Shane and Amber- We were so glad you guys could join us on Sautrday. As Shane said "There really was a lot of magic in that room." We are so excited for you and your family and especially Damot. Prayers that the 22nd will go smoothly.

    Jill and Shawn
