Saturday, February 20, 2010

Making lists and checking them twice...

So a few years from now I do not want to forget any of this process. The "Making A List And Checking It Twice" is a BIG, HUGE accomplishment and event in this process so I will fill you in a bit on what this all entails. Returning families have supplied their 3-4 page packing/shopping lists for others traveling and that has helped a lot. I now have 5 different lists on my office desk. The travel plans list, food list, packing list, child's names list, contact information list and to do list (that is the biggest one). Today my Mom and I went to Wal Mart (yah hoo Wal Mart) and did our food shopping, medicine shopping and a few last minute baby items shopping, 2 hours later we were done! I still have to go over the to do list and make sure I have not forgotten anything and then the big work begins. I get to pack!!!! I hope I can get over my over packing sickness that has plagued me for my whole life. I have to just keep telling myself "keep it simple". I have our 3 huge donation bags packed and weighed and have Grace Demot's stuff laid out (of coarse I have WAY too much), I pray I can fit everything I need to take in one suitcase (ya right!!). I will type up all of my kids agenda's for people and organize babysitters, rides etc...this week. I will get my final Hep A/ Hep B shot Tuesday, last day of work on Wednesday, I will post more about that later :( Exchange money, figure out my video camera. I feel like I have a handle on things which is good for my type A OCD personality. 7 days from today I will be on an airplane to get my baby girl, HOLY COW! Unbelievable....


  1. 7 DAYS!!! So exciting! Love all the lists. Let me know if I can help with anything. I am more than happy too!

  2. I am so glad that I am not the only one like this:) We live in six weeks and I am already packing and obsessing:) Hope you have an amazing trip! You have waited a long time for this. Just breathe!!

  3. sorry not live but leave:) See I can't even spell I am so messed up right now!

  4. I cannot wait to read your posts from ET and see pics of you and Grace Demot!
